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Engine fitted
Engine with identification characters AWT, AZM. The engine identification characters and serial number are located at the engine/gearbox joint.
In addition, a sticker with the engine identification characters and serial number is affixed to the timing belt guard.
Engine with identification characters AVF, AWX, AVB, BSS, BSV, BPZ. The engine identification characters and serial number are located at the engine/gearbox joint.
In addition, a sticker with the engine identification characters and serial number is affixed to the timing belt guard.
Engine with identification characters AYM and BDG. The engine identification characters and serial number are located at the end face of the cylinder block, in front of the row of cylinders on the right.
In addition, a sticker with the engine identification characters and serial number is affixed to the timing belt guard.
Engine with identification characters BBG and AMX. The engine identification characters and serial number are located at the end face of the cylinder block, in front of the row of cylinders on the right.
A sticker with the engine identification characters and serial number is also affixed to the intake manifold.

- ETKA ONLINE - login-pass from

- NEW ELSA ONLINE - login-pass from

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