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Replacing the fuel filter (diesel engine)
t  Make sure no diesel fuel runs onto the coolant hoses. If necessary clean the hoses immediately!
t  It is absolutely necessary to observe the oil disposal instructions!
t  Observe the disposal instructions!
For engines with regulating valve
–  Remove retaining clips -3-.
–  Remove regulating valve -4- with the connected fuel hoses.
–  Remove fuel hoses -1- and -2- on the filter.
–  Loosen the fuel filter and remove.
For engines without regulating valve
–  Pull off the fuel hose.
–  Loosen the fuel filter and remove.
For engines with regulating valve
–  Install a new fuel filter filled with fuel
–  Fit the new O-ring for the regulating valve.
–  Install regulating valve -4- with the connected fuel hoses.
–  Attach retaining clips -3-.
–  Install the fuel hoses -1- and -2- and secure with hose clamps.
The direction of flow is indicated with arrows (do not switch connections).
–  Inspect the fuel system for tightness (visual inspection).
For engine without regulating valve
–  Fill the new fuel filter with fuel.
–  Insert the fuel filter in the holder and fix it in place.
–  Fit the fuel hoses and secure with hose clamps.
–  Inspect the fuel system for tightness (visual inspection).

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