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Inspecting tyres (including spare wheel)
Only tyres of the same type may be fitted to the vehicle. Tyres of the same brand and tread pattern must always be fitted to wheels on the same axle!
When using tyres, the legal requirements must be observed.
Delivery Inspection:
–  Inspect the tyre tread and side wall for damage, if necessary remove any foreign bodies from the tyres, such as nails or glass splinters.
Inspection Service:
–  Inspect the tyre tread and side wall for damage, if necessary remove any foreign bodies from the tyres, such as nails or glass splinters.
–  Inspect tyres for scrubbing, tread worn down on one side, porous side walls, cuts and punctures. Any defects found must be advised to the customer and the customer's attention must be drawn to any necessary repair measures!
Inspecting tyre wear
–  The wear pattern on the front tyres makes it possible to assess whether it is necessary to inspect the wheel toe and camber:
t  The formation of ridges on the tyre tread is an indication of wheel toe errors.
t  Tread worn on one side is usually attributable to camber errors.
–  If such signs of wear are found, determine the cause by checking the chassis alignment (repair measure).

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