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Test Values for Exhaust-Emission Analysis on Petrol Engines
Engine identification characters AWT AZM AMX BBG
Oil temperature min. 80 °C min. 80 °C min. 80 °C min. 80 °C
Catalyst warming-up time 2 min. at 3000 rpm 2 min. at 3000 rpm 2 min. at 3000 rpm 2 min. at 2500 rpm
Idling speed (1/min) 760…960 680…880 620…820 620…820
CO content at idle speed (measured after catalyst) 0…0,5 % 0…0,5 % 0…0,5 % 0…0,5 %
Increased idling speed (rpm) 2400…2600 2400…2600 2400…2600 2400…2600
Lambda value at 2850 - 2900 rpm 0,97…1,03 0,97…1,03 0,97…1,03 0,97…1,03
CO content at 2850 - 2900 rpm 0,3 % 0,3 % 0,3 % 0,3 %
Speed for control loop test (rpm) 660…1060 580…980 520…920 520…920
Lambda probe version Wide band probe (lambda) Jump probe Jump probe -
Voltage jump (V) - 0,3 0,3 -
DELTA-lambda 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03
Test speed Idling speed Idling speed Idling speed -

All tubes and plug connections, which had been removed or disconnected for the test and adjustment, must be correctly re-inserted or connected.
Technical data of spark plugs → Chapter.

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