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Exhaust-Emission Analysis on Models with Diesel Engines
t  When possible the test should be carried out immediately after the road test and also outdoors. If specific reasons prevent this (weather conditions, excessive noise in residential areas) the test may also be performed in the workshop.
t  Secure the front flap in the first stop while measuring to reduce the noise.
Visual inspection
t  Hose for crankcase ventilation is connected
t  Fuel system and injection pump must be tight
t  The exhaust system must be undamaged and tight
t  All vacuum hoses are connected
Test and setting conditions
l  Oil temperature at least 80°C
l  All electrical components disconnected
l  No fault in fault memory → Chapter
Correct detected faults before measuring (repair measure).
Connect the test equipment
–  Connect the tester in compliance with the operating instructions.
–  Start engine, warm up to normal temperature and run in idle.
–  Perform the exhaust-emission analysis.
t  Activate and inspect auxiliary equipment such as e.g. power steering, automatic gearbox or air conditioning system. Check whether the engine continues to run perfectly under this load.
t  All tubes and plug connections, which had been removed or disconnected for the test and adjustment, must be correctly re-inserted or connected.

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