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Inspecting the brake fluid level
Use only new genuine brake fluid N.052.766.Z0 which conforms to the USA standard FMVSS 571.116, DOT 4 and VW standard 501 14.
t  Brake fluid is poisonous. Also due to its corrosive effect brake fluid must not come into contact with paintwork.
t  Brake fluid is hygroscopic, i.e. it absorbs moisture from the surrounding air. Therefore it should always be stored in airtight containers.
The brake fluid must not be above the „MAX“ marking to prevent fluid flowing out of the reservoir.
–  Slide the battery cover to the left -arrows- and remove it to the top.
–  Check the brake fluid level at the brake fluid reservoir by inserting a torch through the recess in the battery cover.
Delivery Inspection
The brake fluid level during the delivery inspection should be at the „MAX“ marking.
Inspection Service:
–  The brake fluid level (volume) must always be assessed on the basis of the brake pad wear. When driving a slight drop in the brake fluid level occurs as a result of wear-and-tear and the automatic slack adjustment of the brake pads.
–  If the fluid brake level is on the „MIN“ marking or slightly above, it is not necessary to top up the brake fluid if the brake pads have practically reached their wear limit.
–  If the brake pads are new or far off the brake wear limit, the brake fluid level must be between the „MIN“ and „MAX“markings.
–  If the brake fluid level has dropped below the „MIN“ marking, it is necessary to inspect the brake system before topping up the brake fluid → Chapter, carry out repair measure if necessary.
–  Re-install the battery cover.

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