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Interrogate ash mass balance of diesel particle filter
These tasks are carried out using the diagnostic, measuring and information system -VAS- → Vehicle diagnostic tester.
The ash mass balance gives information about the volumetric efficiency of the particle filter volume.
–  Connect diagnostic unit, select function »Targeted fault finding«»engine«»function«»Read measured value block«.
Operate the diagnostic unit according to operating instructions and by following the indication on the display.
–  Actual value in the display field 2 (ash mass in diesel particle filter in %)
   and further
–  Read off value in display field 1 (volumetric efficiency of the particle filter volume; in grams).
Ash mass in diesel particle filter Volumetric efficiency of the particle filter volume
min. 45%, max. 90% max. 150 grams

–  If the highest values for the ash mass and the volumetric efficiency of the particle filter volume are not achieved, the regeneration of the diesel particle filter has to be carried out → Vehicle diagnostic tester.
If it is achieved:
l  the highest value for the ash mass
l  the volumetric efficiency of the particle filter volume
l  the regeneration was not successfully performed
–  Replace diesel particle filter → Chapter.

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