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Final drive of the automatic gearbox: check oil level as well as oil quality, if necessary top up or change
Check oil level and oil quality
Special tools and workshop equipment required
t  Catch pan, e.g. -VAS 6208-
t  Socket insert -3247-
Test requirements
l  The oil level is checked with the gearbox installed.
l  For checking the axle oil level, the vehicle must be on a horizontal surface.
–  Carry out a short test drive, in order to warm up the oil.
–  Run the vehicle on a 4-column lift platform or over a workshop pit, so that it will be kept absolutely horizontal.
–  Switch off engine and wait approx. 5 minutes so that the oil flows back.
–  Remove right drive shaft noise insulation from wheel arch -arrows-.
–  Place the catch pan, e.g. -VAS 6208- underneath.
–  Release screw plug -arrow-.
The oil is at the correct level if the gear is filled up to the lower edge of the oil filler hole.
–  Let the excess oil drain off.
–  Replace the screw plug.
–  If the oil level is correct, fit a new screw plug and tighten to 30 Nm.
–  If the oil level is not correct, top up with oil → Anchor.
Top up with oil
t  If the oil needs to be topped up following repairs, top up the final drive slowly and steadily with oil over a period of approx. 5 minutes until the oil begins to flow over the lower edge of the oil filler hole.
t  A topping-up time of approx. 5 minutes is necessary to allow equalisation of the internal oil levels in the differential and reservoir.
–  Screw in the previous screw plug -arrow-.
–  Carry out a short test drive, in order to warm up the oil.
–  Check the oil level in the final drive again.
–  If the oil level is correct, fit a new screw plug -arrow- and tighten to 30 Nm.
–  Remove right drive shaft noise insulation from wheel arch.

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