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Raise vehicle
Raise vehicle with a lift platform and a workshop jack
The vehicle must only be raised with a workshop jack at the indicated jacking points.
Jacking point at the front -arrow-
Jacking point at the rear -arrow 1-
It is absolutely vital to use a suitable rubber or wooden intermediate layer in order to avoid any damage to the contact surfaces -arrow 1- at the underbody -3-.
The rear support points are located in the make axles embossed in the bottom side rail -arrow 2-.
t  Under no circumstances may the arms of the lift platform or jack be positioned under the engine, the gearbox, the front or rear axles.
t  Never start the engine or engage a gear when the vehicle is raised, while even one driving wheel is still in contact with the ground.
t  Secure the vehicle on the lift platform before its centre of gravity shifts considerably because of successive disassembly operations.
t  The vehicle must not be supported at the front under the bottom side rails.

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- NEW ELSA ONLINE - login-pass from

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